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File Stores

A file store is responsible for:

  1. reading and writing files (.mp3, .pdf, etc.) to/from an object store.
  2. providing "transactions" that make all file operations atomic in a single request.
  3. declaring the native object store client it delegates persistence operations to.

If a file store implementation is unable to handle a file InputStream, Athena pushes these responsibilities to the object store.

Included Stores

Athena comes bundled with a number of file stores:

  1. Swift Store - A file store that can map operations on a file to an underlying OpenStack Swift API. Athena has explicit support for Swift
  2. HDFS Store - File is persisted on Hadoop HDFS.

It is assumed that the "HDFS Store" means a single-cluster HDFS. However, the Athena architecture does not preclude implementing a multi-cluster HDFS store

Stores can be included through the following artifact dependencies:

Swift Store


HDFS Store


Overriding the Store

To change the store, override the FileStore binding. For example, to use a store called SomeCustomFileStore:

public class AppBinderFactory extends AbstractBinderFactory {


protected Class<? extends FileStore> buildFileStore() {
return SomeCustomFileStore.class;

Custom Stores

Custom stores can be written by implementing the FileStore interface. Take Amazon S3 for instance

public class S3FileStore implements FileStore {

private final AmazonS3 s3client;
private final FileIdGenerator fileIdGenerator;

public S3FileStore(@NotNull final AmazonS3 s3client, @NotNull final FileIdGenerator fileIdGenerator) {
this.s3client = Objects.requireNonNull(s3client);
this.fileIdGenerator = Objects.requireNonNull(fileIdGenerator);

public String upload(final File file) {
final String fileId = fileIdGenerator.apply(file);

new ObjectMetadata()

return fileId;

public InputStream download(final String fileId) {
return getS3client().getObject(...);

Multiple Stores

A common pattern in Athena is the need to support multiple file stores. Typically, one file store manages most files, but some others may require a different object storage backend or have other needs to specialize the behavior of the store. The multiplex store in Athena manages multiple stores - delegating calls to the appropriate store which is responsible for a particular file.

This is a feature yet to be offered soon.